International Air Express Association of Bangladesh (IAEAB)
is an association of all express company in Bangladesh.
Members of the Executive Committee

Mr. Kabir Ahmed

Mr. Rafiqul Islam

Mr. A.K.M. Shariful Haider

Mr. Kazi Sorwar Hoshen

Mr. A.M.M. Sahab Uddin

Mr. Md. Ehsanul Haque
Mr. Md. Zakir Hossen Ripon
Mr. Md. Anisozzaman (Anis)
Mr. AL-Mahabudur Rashid Rony
>> To promote International Air Express Business in Bangladesh and in the Region;
>> To encourage, promote and foster the ideas of cooperation and friendly relations amongst the companies in Air Express Business;
>> To provide tailored solutions when the industry face any problem;
>> To work together to bolster the industry’s image;
>> To establish and maintain high ethical standard among those engaged in Air Express Business in Bangladesh;
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Our Members
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Have any Question?
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House # 65, Unit A4 (4th Floor)
Road # 17, Block #C
Banani , Dhaka-1213
Cell:+880 1736582240
: +880 1737345517
E-mail: iaeab@iaeab.com